Do you have a real example where the piano key-off effect results in notes audibly dropping off, and without any other notes dropping off audibly? I find it difficult to even create an artificial example.If you are using the pedal to sustain a lot of layered notes, such that you are approaching the limits of the polyphony, the subsequent triggering of "note off" sounds can cause previously sustained/held notes to drop off, because the system can need to steal some "long ago" played notes in order to be able to play the Note Off sound, short as it may be.The key-off noise is usually irrelevant for polyphony, because it is not sustained.
I agree that releasing the sustain pedal simultaneously triggers the key-off effect for multiple notes (with the special caveat that key-off effects always use single voice assign mode). However, at the same time, for a typical piano part, the same number of voices just transitioned from the sustain to the release phase. These voices become candidates for note stealing, before stealing from voices that have not yet seen their note-off event, or that already have seen their note-off events, and are held with the sustain pedal (on a different channel).
Let's try to make an example: A piano layered with 3 pad sounds. I quickly play 32 unique notes and hold them with the sustain pedal. At this point, I use the 128 voice polyphony. I quickly release the sustain pedal. All 128 voices transition from the sustain to the release phase. The pads might have a longer release time. I need 32 additional voices for the key-off effects. Since all the 128 allocated voices are in the release stage, I assume that the Montage/MODX steals from the oldest notes from this group. That means the first 8 notes from each layer. I guess it might be possible to construct an example where the truncated release part for the 8 out of 32 notes is audible. However, I wonder how often this happens for real.
Statistics: Posted by mx49 — Mon Jul 15, 2024 8:53 pm