I had the OG Montage 8 and eventually sold it for this reason. I spend far more time trying to get it to do what I wanted than playing it. Even the simplest thing would take sometimes 20 minutes with the manual in front of me. Some of the voice routing and midi channel management stuff I never could get to work like I envisioned. After a few months of dealing with it I thought to myself "This is ridiculous." and let it go. No want another Yamaha machine that complex.You basically need a Master's degree in computer science to be able to figure out how to use the Montage M to its full potential.
Sad too, Yamaha makes the best keyboard instruments of all the synth manufacturers, but my EX5 is about as complex a UI as I'm willing to deal with.
Statistics: Posted by synthRodriguez — Sat Aug 03, 2024 2:12 pm