Mark,Not necessarily your usb stick; probably whomever uploaded them inadvertently uploaded damaged files. Especially given you've tried with 2 different sticks.
I was planning on doing a new post this week updating what happened with this issue. But I'll tell you here:
- I bought a new 32GB SanDisk USB stick and formatted it on the SX900. Same error loading the styles. So it's definitely not the sticks because that was stick number 3.
- some of the styles I downloaded certainly could be corrupt, but that should not cause most of them to not load
- My SX900 is working pretty well, but I was on the verge of re-installing the firmware (if that is possible) or doing a factory reset to see if that might clear some bug in the SX's style loading mode.
- Before I tried the above, I began to realize that the whole variety of styles I downloaded off the internet were downloaded onto my new MacBook Air M3 and I had not had this loading error when I downloaded styles from my old Intel-based iMac. Fortunately I still have the iMac, so I did a test and downloaded the same styles off the internet on the iMac. I copied them onto the USB stick and EVERY SINGLE STYLE LOADED FINE. I don't know if there are any computer experts here because I was wondering is there something about the M3 processor or the new MacBook Air that could be incompatible with .sty files?? Is it possible that Intel based Macs are compatible and M3 is not? Can anyone else who has an M1,2, or 3 MacBook try to load styles and see if they get the same issue?
Statistics: Posted by richkeys — Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:28 am