I'm playing an MODX8 in my band's cover of Obsession and would like help partially automating the digital bass part. The song is about 115BPM and the bass part is all 16th notes (2 bars on D2 then 2 bars on G2 and repeat through the entire song). I currently do this manually with two index fingers - ugh. Ideally, I would like to select a bass patch, toggle between two buttons or keys for D2 and G2, and have the keyboard play the 32 16th notes. Bonus if I can modulate the tempo in real time to sync with the drummer and be really tight. Would I use Arpeggio?, Motion Sequencer? How would I modulate the tempo in real time? Thanks!
Statistics: Posted by CraigFrostFan — Sat Jan 27, 2024 3:52 pm