I am having the same issue with DX100. I have tried to install an OLED from aliexpress (16x1 Surenoo brand) and it doesn't display 16 characters (only first 8 are printed). I connected 16x2 and the "missing" content is printed in line 2. That confirms everything which has been said earlier in the thread.
Modding rom seems a challenging task. At least for me at this point so finding a working unit would be the easiest path.
Has anyone managed to find a matching OLED module? I don't care about the geometry of display pcb as long as it works.
Modding rom seems a challenging task. At least for me at this point so finding a working unit would be the easiest path.
Has anyone managed to find a matching OLED module? I don't care about the geometry of display pcb as long as it works.
Statistics: Posted by infekted — Sun Feb 11, 2024 11:26 am