SimoneI have to figure out how to do that because I do not have cubase, unfortunately being my modx second handed I cannot have CUBASe AI either, because the instrument had already been registered by the previous owner and I don't know who he/she is since I purchased it in a musical store.
There are several possibilities… you can use the MODX Pattern Sequencer to remove any Program Changes (PC) or any other unwanted messages from the data.
Overview: Load the .mid file to a Pattern location or go to a blank Pattern, use the “Pattern” > “Edit/Job” > “Song/Event” feature to “Get Phrase” — allows you to capture data from an existing Song
(the goal is to place a version of the .mid file in a Pattern location for editing purposes).
__ this “Get Phrase” Job lets you grab a region (multiple tracks and measures) of an existing Song and bring them all into the Pattern Sequencer where you can Edit them before putting them back.
You can have as many as 256 measures in a Pattern Scene (if your data is longer than 256 measures use the “Get Phrase” function again, targeting Scene 2, to “get” (measure:beat:clock) starting at 257:01:000 and beyond, from the Song. Rinse and repeat, as necessary to transfer the entire composition in 256 measure blocks (maximum 8 Scenes).
After you edit the data in the Pattern Sequencer, you can “convert” your Pattern data to a new Song using the Pattern CHAIN function or you can use the “Put Phrase” Job to update the existing Song — by literally “putting” them back into the linear Song (overwriting it with the newly edited data).
You will need to create a “link” between the edited Song and the newly updated (and stored) Performance. This is done on the “Play/Rec” > “Song” screen.
__ The Performance stores your selection of instrumentation and the mixing setup (only). Be certain to [STORE] your Performance to the User Bank (name it as appropriate). The Performance does NOT store the Song data.
Important: — It is the Song that recalls the Performance.
It is the Song that recalls the Performance — I repeat that because so many people get that backwards. If you remember that in MIDI, a Program Change is a message (stored and sent from the Sequencer) to the synth module to recall the sounds (Performance). The Performance does NOT recall the Song… It is the Song that recalls the Performance. This is true in the MODX, as well.
Extra Credit: When you create a LIVE SET — If you want to recall a sequence, then link the LIVE SET slot to the Song (or Pattern, or Audio) on the “PLAY/REC” screen. The LIVE SET will recall the SONG (or Pattern, or Audio) and then - It is the Song that will recall the Performance!!!
A LIVE SET linked to just a Performance does NOT recall any sequence, in particular.
Real world analogy: If you think of the Performance as “the band”, the musicians, recalling them does not necessarily recall any particular composition.
Example: A single Performance that is piano/bass/drum (a jazz trio) might be linked to two dozen different Songs… again, the link is from the individual Song. I only need one piano/bass/drum Performance to do all two dozen jazz trio Songs (it would be wasteful to store a different jazz trio for every song)… you could if you wanted to — the point is, you do not have to…
Each Song (each sequence) will be linked to the Performance (the band) that it needs. There is no limit to the number of Songs that recall a Performance… you can have 128 Songs in your MODX’s “Song” Folder
Here’s an outline of how to Edit your data:
Once you have your data in a Pattern location (Scene 1)
Tap “Edit/Job” > “Song/Event” > “Erase Event”
Set the “Track” = All
Set the “Scene” = 1
Set the Start and End Measure:Beat:Clock range
Set the “Event Type” = PC (Program Change)*
Review the setup screen, then execute the “Erase Event”
*you can select from a large list of Event parameters, including Sysex messages - just tap the “Event Type” box to see the options
With the Program Changes erased, you will be able to select MODX Single Part programs for each of the various Tracks… and then [STORE] your selection to a USER Performance.
__ Pressing [STORE] while editing stores the MODX Performance, not the sequencer.
You make the Song+Perf link in the “Play/Rec” area.
To create a Performance to recall with this Song it is highly recommended that you start with the “MULTI/GM” Init Performance and set the “KBD CTRL LOCK” = On.
Reason: a typical .mid file will have 16 Tracks/16 Channels…
__ The Init “MULTI/GM” Performance is setup to accommodate this style of MIDI recording… where you select one Part at a time
__ Setting the “KBD CTRL LOCK” = ON will allow you to work with the MODX as a 16-Part multi-timbral tone generator (selecting to play/record one Part at a time).
Hint: Set your Category Search “Attribute” = “Single” so you search through only Single Part instruments.
The default program selection places a ConcertGrand piano in each slot, except slot 10 (which defaults to a Stereo GM Drum Kit). You are free to change/replace any and all of the 16 Parts with programs from the MODX collection of Single Part Performances (green). You are free to put Drums on any Track you wish, you are free to use a Normal sound in part 10… You are also free to select whatever System and Master Effects you desire.
Select a PART
Set the “Bank/Favorite” = All
Set the “Attribute” = Single
This will make available all of the Single Part instruments available for selection.
Hope that helps.
Extra Credit: setting Start and End points for Measure:Beat:Clock
In order to set the Start and End points to define 1 complete measure the settings are as follows:
START — 001:01:000
END — 002:01:000
It works like a clock, from the start point (12 o’clock) back to the start point (12 o’clock) equals one complete turn.
256 measures would be:
START — 001:01:000
END — 257:01:000
Statistics: Posted by Phil Clendeninn — Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:26 pm