With MUTE, the muted notes will not consume polyphony, in contrast to VOLUME=0.Related to that ... For different scenes, I was formerly setting part volumes at 0 if I didn't want them to sound. Today I learned that it's better to de-select KBD CNTL so I'm not robbing from my polyphony quoto. Is that correct?
Does MUTE accomplish the same thing, i.e., not taking from the polyphony?
There are different trade-offs when choosing between MUTE and KBD-CTRL. MUTE will cut off notes immediately (non-musical), and KBD-CTRL will ignore non-key events while disabled (e.g. hold pedal, modulation wheel, ...), which is non-musical in a different way.
No, that does not sound like a polyphony issue.FYI I had three amazing Motifs through the years, but one problem I hated was when a single note didn't sound when played (usually at a critical moment in the music, usually on my piano patch). I always assumed I was running out of polyphony notes but I couldn't prove it.
Statistics: Posted by mx49 — Mon Apr 29, 2024 8:06 am