Got it. That's great to know.
I had a MODX several years ago and it is taking me a little while to get used to the UI improvements on the Montage M.
The Navigation screen is a little intimidating at first glance, but it really is quite useful. I'm still trying to work out when to start with the Navigation screen as opposed to the old way of doing things, which was to hit Edit. You can get to the same places either way, but the Navigation screen gets you where you want to go faster. I need to get into the habit of hitting that Navigation button.
Anyway, thanks again. This Montage M is a wonderful machine.
I had a MODX several years ago and it is taking me a little while to get used to the UI improvements on the Montage M.
The Navigation screen is a little intimidating at first glance, but it really is quite useful. I'm still trying to work out when to start with the Navigation screen as opposed to the old way of doing things, which was to hit Edit. You can get to the same places either way, but the Navigation screen gets you where you want to go faster. I need to get into the habit of hitting that Navigation button.
Anyway, thanks again. This Montage M is a wonderful machine.
Statistics: Posted by EverBro88 — Sun May 26, 2024 5:07 pm