New to this forum but love most things Yamaha, as I misspent much of my youth in Japan in the 1960s and early 70s. I found a Yamaha FG 12-800 from 1974 locally in Australia. It took some effort digging through translations on the internet to find the 1974 Catalogue in case anyone is looking.
My copy has a few issues that are fixable, but I only paid aroun $450 USD for this which retails for Y80000 in 1974 so I decided i had to have it. I hope others will ind the catlogue useful if anyone has been looking.
BTW they describe the top as Spruce Veneer and tha back and sides as New Jaxcaranda - I have no idea what that means! [anyone?]
Links: ... /25/004454
Glad to have found this forum!
My copy has a few issues that are fixable, but I only paid aroun $450 USD for this which retails for Y80000 in 1974 so I decided i had to have it. I hope others will ind the catlogue useful if anyone has been looking.
BTW they describe the top as Spruce Veneer and tha back and sides as New Jaxcaranda - I have no idea what that means! [anyone?]
Links: ... /25/004454
Glad to have found this forum!
Statistics: Posted by MrJones — Tue May 28, 2024 3:12 am