Go to [UTILITY] > “Settings” > “Advanced” > set the “Zone Master” = On
Zone Master On means you will be able to use any of the 16 Part slots of a MODX+ Performance for your external device.
If Zone Master is Off this means all MIDI data that the MODX+ generates is configured exclusively for a MODX+.
So, correct, you want Zone Master = On.
Now you can create a Single Part Performance and store it in your User Bank. Name and Store it — you can then recall it in any MODX+ Performance or simply use it alone as Single Part program.
press [CATEGORY]
Select “Init”
Select the “Init Normal (AWM2)”
You must assign a ‘dummy’ MODX+ program to a Part, then use the settings within that Part to choose “EXT” instead of “INT”. You are creating a Part then assigning it to the External device instead of the internal sound. There must be a MODX ‘placeholder’ in order for the parameters to be documented.
From the HOME screen of the “Init Normal (AWM2)” *select* PART 1
You can do so by touching the Part 1 “Type/Name” box in the screen (or use the button for Part Selection)
A pop-in menu appears, touch “Edit” (or use the dedicated [EDIT] button.
Touch “Part Settings” > “Zone Settings”
Set the “Zone Switch” = ON
This Zone Switch pertains only to this Performance. (The Zone Master setting in Utility makes the Zone Settings globally available - but you must then activate the function on a per Performance basis).
Set the INT SW = OFF (Internal Switch) - the Part/Zone slot is now exclusively for external transmitting.
Select a MIDI “Transmit Ch” on which you exclusively wish to communicate on for your external device.
You can choose to define how your MODX+ (as controller) addresses your external keyboard
“Note Range”
“Octave Shift”
“Transpose” (by semitones)
Choose to utilize “Bank Select”, “Program Change”, “Volume”, “Pan”… if you are not going to use these set them to OFF, as you require. The Part/Zone slot Slider will control cc7 Volume on the selected Channel when “Volume” = On
Press [STORE]
Be sure to NAME this (thoughtfully) so that when you Search for this program you can find it.
Suggestion include something that will immediately remind you this is for use externally.
As mentioned you now can treat this exactly like you treat any MODX+ Performance… meaning you can use it when building other MODX+ focused Performances, in combination with internal sounds.
You will NOT have to redo your ZONE SETTINGS as long as you remember, an EXT ZONE must replace an existing MODX+ Part in a slot. This can be understood as the slot is completely empty when only a “+” symbol shows in a slot. An Ext Zone must always replace the internal ‘placeholder’.
Extra Credit
If you return the Audio L&R Out of your external synth to the MODX+ AD IN, you can then treat your external device as a member of your MODX+ family. Because you can assign the AssignKnobs and Super Knob functions to the AD IN Part, you can now morph between Int (MODX) sounds and your Ext synth.. you also can add 2 Insertion Effects, use the MODX+ Reverb and Variation Sends on the Audio of your external device. This is, needless to say, extremely powerful.
Hope that helps.
Zone Master On means you will be able to use any of the 16 Part slots of a MODX+ Performance for your external device.
If Zone Master is Off this means all MIDI data that the MODX+ generates is configured exclusively for a MODX+.
So, correct, you want Zone Master = On.
Now you can create a Single Part Performance and store it in your User Bank. Name and Store it — you can then recall it in any MODX+ Performance or simply use it alone as Single Part program.
press [CATEGORY]
Select “Init”
Select the “Init Normal (AWM2)”
You must assign a ‘dummy’ MODX+ program to a Part, then use the settings within that Part to choose “EXT” instead of “INT”. You are creating a Part then assigning it to the External device instead of the internal sound. There must be a MODX ‘placeholder’ in order for the parameters to be documented.
From the HOME screen of the “Init Normal (AWM2)” *select* PART 1
You can do so by touching the Part 1 “Type/Name” box in the screen (or use the button for Part Selection)
A pop-in menu appears, touch “Edit” (or use the dedicated [EDIT] button.
Touch “Part Settings” > “Zone Settings”
Set the “Zone Switch” = ON
This Zone Switch pertains only to this Performance. (The Zone Master setting in Utility makes the Zone Settings globally available - but you must then activate the function on a per Performance basis).
Set the INT SW = OFF (Internal Switch) - the Part/Zone slot is now exclusively for external transmitting.
Select a MIDI “Transmit Ch” on which you exclusively wish to communicate on for your external device.
You can choose to define how your MODX+ (as controller) addresses your external keyboard
“Note Range”
“Octave Shift”
“Transpose” (by semitones)
Choose to utilize “Bank Select”, “Program Change”, “Volume”, “Pan”… if you are not going to use these set them to OFF, as you require. The Part/Zone slot Slider will control cc7 Volume on the selected Channel when “Volume” = On
Press [STORE]
Be sure to NAME this (thoughtfully) so that when you Search for this program you can find it.
Suggestion include something that will immediately remind you this is for use externally.
As mentioned you now can treat this exactly like you treat any MODX+ Performance… meaning you can use it when building other MODX+ focused Performances, in combination with internal sounds.
You will NOT have to redo your ZONE SETTINGS as long as you remember, an EXT ZONE must replace an existing MODX+ Part in a slot. This can be understood as the slot is completely empty when only a “+” symbol shows in a slot. An Ext Zone must always replace the internal ‘placeholder’.
Extra Credit
If you return the Audio L&R Out of your external synth to the MODX+ AD IN, you can then treat your external device as a member of your MODX+ family. Because you can assign the AssignKnobs and Super Knob functions to the AD IN Part, you can now morph between Int (MODX) sounds and your Ext synth.. you also can add 2 Insertion Effects, use the MODX+ Reverb and Variation Sends on the Audio of your external device. This is, needless to say, extremely powerful.
Hope that helps.
Statistics: Posted by Phil Clendeninn — Tue May 28, 2024 4:17 pm