Hi, I'm Larry (tuelles) from Delaware. I've had a bit of Yamaha history. I had a CP-60M that iwishiwishiwishiwishiwish I had never sold
. Conversely, I had a CP-20 I'm GLAD I sold. I liked the TG-33 I had as well. I do have a S90 ES I bought in 2007. And I had always looked upon the EX5 from (financially) afar with great longing. I finally bought a pretty loaded one in 2019. Just last week, after thinking I was after a really different kind of synth or piano (3rd Wave? Super Gemini? Nord Grand 2?) I bought a Montage M8x. Nearly everything in my collection has been bought used. So this new, large, centerpiece of my studio, that cost more than any single piece in here, is nearly literally the elephant in the room HAHA. I'll probably try to sell the S90 ES. As you can probably tell, I'm primarily a pianist. I was classically trained, but I haven't had to read in years. I also play drums, and my favorite kit in my stable is a Yamaha Beech Custom original) setup.
Statistics: Posted by tuelles — Wed May 29, 2024 6:14 pm