I just have one 3.5" 1400k floppy with the hole covered and I format the disk in the sy99. Any files added to the disk from the SY99 I save on the PC. They will be T01 or M01 etc (whatever the slot is etc) They load easily into the SY99. I have 100s of disks that work. Some are 720 and not 1400. The PC with the floppy drive is not operating at the moment as my SY99 has been needing repairs for many years. So I bought a second SY99 sold from Japan was supposed to be in Excellent condition. It arrived as junk and the seller got a guy in Gosford to fix what I thought would be perfect and I got a USB drive installed in place of the floppy. But after a week it went into mothballs and is still there. It is hard to deal with someone who doesn't do the right thing in the first place and you have to go to them again. Gets very expensive. Recently I found a new repairer and I am getting the first SY99 fixed. It has the floppy drive and was working perfectly. Next I will have to get the old PC with the floppy working again as I prefer the floppies than a mind numbing USB drive.
Statistics: Posted by diarbe — Wed Jul 24, 2024 2:14 pm