Thanks for the helpful info guys. Issue in my original post still there, no change. I took the steps you recommended, except for checking the capacitors for leaks or drying out. I did check the saddle for a good seat, adjustments were made and the saddle fits nice on the pickup. Also replaced the pickup connector where it goes into the preamp. Apologies for the photo I attached, the settings were in their wrong places, but no matter, the issue remains no matter where the settings are. Mainly, it's that area right around the D string that's kind of a dead area. The E, B, and G strings area is strong, but then just drops off as I migrate toward the lower strings.
Honing in on the control board perhaps, I did not access it and spray it, looks pretty difficult to get to, but I guess I have to find a way. Perhaps spray it good with some DeoxIT, then do a visual on the capacitors. This is where it gets beyond my scope, I don't really know what I'm looking for, and certainly don't have any testing equipment....if I did probably wouldn't know how to use it. Any more ideas, suggestions, or helpful advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. ~IslandMojo
Honing in on the control board perhaps, I did not access it and spray it, looks pretty difficult to get to, but I guess I have to find a way. Perhaps spray it good with some DeoxIT, then do a visual on the capacitors. This is where it gets beyond my scope, I don't really know what I'm looking for, and certainly don't have any testing equipment....if I did probably wouldn't know how to use it. Any more ideas, suggestions, or helpful advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. ~IslandMojo
Statistics: Posted by Island Mojo — Thu Jul 25, 2024 2:02 pm