Genos ... and the CFX ConcertGrand is DEFINITELY not what it was when I first purchased the instrument. It has gone noticeably "tinny" from B above middle-C to nearly G above that. Extremely tinny. Unpleasant to play. The lower registers sound wonderful, but the higher notes no longer sound like a piano. Grandmother had an 8-foot Steinway in the music room, and I played it as a boy. I know what a piano sounds like, and the Genos an octave above middle-C does not sound like a piano. It gets a bit harpsichordy, in fact. Wish someone would tell me how to restore ALL the possible settings I've stupidly messed with that could have resulted in this catastrophe.
... Frederick
... Frederick
Statistics: Posted by Jurisdictionary — Tue Dec 26, 2023 12:57 pm