Really? You have resorted to trying to lay a guilt trip on anyone that tries to help?Perhaps someone here can find it and then I'll feel like an idiot.
Nice try - but if you check your health care provider you might already be covered for mental health benefits!
Spoiler alert - for the most suspense cover up the rest of the reply with a sheet of paper and then slide it down one line at a time.While the Montage M only has 8 physical sliders, it's possible to select all 9 organ drawbars by assigning one of them somewhere else. But where?
First hint: sliders, by default, control volume.
Second hint: sliders, by default, control PART volume if the performance, or common is selected.
Third hint: sliders, by default, control ELEMENT/OPERATOR/OSCILLATOR volume if a part is selected.
Fourth hint: the 8 elements of part1 map to EIGHT of the drawbar preset waveforms.
Give up?
Element 1 of part 2 maps to "Draw 1'" - the ninth drawbar.
When you select part 2 you can use slider 1 to control the drawbar it is assigned to.
If you examine the element levels for part 2 on the sub display you will find that element 1 has a default value of 0 but will change as you move slider 1.
Did you notice that part 2 does NOT reverse the sliders?
Speaking of 'learning curve' the slider direction can be set at BOTH the 'Part' or the 'El/Op/Osc' level. They are NOT mutually exclusive - you can use different settings for each level and they work independently.This is another example of the learning curve you'll encounter in creating sophisticated user performances.
The All 9 Bars perf uses NORMAL for the part level, REVERSE for the part 1 El/Op/Osc level and NORMAL for the part 2 El/Op/Osc level.
Yep - that means they work one way if you select part 1 and a different way if you select part 2. And, of course, the pretty lights will dance around to match the slider setting and can REALLY confuse you if you don't remember just what level you are on.
And I'm really reluctant to gum up the thread even more by getting into that whole 'sync' issue if you start moving sliders around that act differently in different contexts.
Wait a second - let me check. Yep - I'm still guilt free. (well, mostly - but the guilt that remains has NOTHING to do with this thread)
Statistics: Posted by Douglas — Sat Jan 20, 2024 7:22 pm