While changing strings, I looked under the saddle and noticed what I worried might be a misalignment between the piezo pickup and the strings. In the pic attached, is the notch the red arrow is pointing at supposed to be aligned with where the string lies? Or is should the wider area the yellow arrow is pointing to be aligned with the string?
I didn't try moving anything because I don't want to break it but can anyone tell me if this looks off?
Thanks for reading and any help you can offer!
While changing strings, I looked under the saddle and noticed what I worried might be a misalignment between the piezo pickup and the strings. In the pic attached, is the notch the red arrow is pointing at supposed to be aligned with where the string lies? Or is should the wider area the yellow arrow is pointing to be aligned with the string?
I didn't try moving anything because I don't want to break it but can anyone tell me if this looks off?
Thanks for reading and any help you can offer!
Statistics: Posted by Knorm — Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:11 pm