There is a chance you set it up incorrectly. You should be able to set as many Parts to channel 9 as you desire/require for triggering from an external controller.Why do I have both parts 9 and 10 set to channel 9, but ONLY part 9 is responding to external MIDI set to channel 9??
Connect the 5-pin MIDI OUT from your external controller keyboard to the 5-pin MIDI IN of the MONTAGE M
[UTILITY] —> “Settings” —> “MIDI I/O” —> set MIDI IN/OUT = MIDI (green)
When you drop into EDIT on Part 9_Common, navigate to the “General/Pitch” —> “Zone Settings” screen.
Make sure the “Part Mode” = Internal (you want the sound of the MONTAGE M to be heard)
Set the “Tx/Rx Ch” = Ch9
Select Part 10_Common
Set the “Tx/Rx Ch” = Ch9
Now when you transmit in via 5-pin MIDI IN, on Ch9 you will play both Parts 9/10
You can use the other Zone settings to set Note Limits, Octave, Transpose.
Touch the box “Edit Tx/Rx Switches” to jump to your Controller setup
Here you can set Transmit and/or Receive Switches… you want to tap “Receive Sw” for each Part; set your preferences.
Extra Credit:
The MIDI CH you see behind the diagonal lines is the Channel currently used to address all MONTAGE M Parts linked by the KBD CTRL feature. Transmitting IN on that channel will trigger all MONTAGE M KBD CTRL Parts same as if you were playing the MONTAGE M’s local keyboard.
The MONTAGE M Knobs, Sliders, Switches, Pedals, etc., generate different messages depending on front panel conditions on the MONTAGE M. Technically, you cannot control a controller… you can assign your external device to send the same message that the MONTAGE M controller is generating. It will then control that Destination (parameter).And why can't I freely assign any of the external knobs or pedals on my MIDI controller to any of the Montage M's parameters, in the same way as if they were attached to the M7 itself?
Likely your controller sends CC messages, therefore, you can address any of the MONTAGE M controllers found at the upper Performance Common level, touch “Control” —> “Control Number” —> here you can see what CC number the freely assignable controllers are using. You can customize these per Performance. ... tml#link37
The FS ASSIGN, SUPER KNOB CC, and SCENE CC are global and are programmed on the UTILITY > MIDI I/O screen
For example, the Super Knob CC defaults to CC95.
Those Controllers that are not accessible here must be addressed with Parameter Change (Sysex).
Statistics: Posted by Phil Clendeninn — Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:43 pm